Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A review on coconut oil

Coconut oil is traditionally-akin to the "Jack of all trades" when it comes to usage. Its uses range from culinary to beauty, and remains as useful even in this modern day.

The cold press virgin coconut oil from Tanamera

Long ago, I used to hear a lot of stories about coconut oil; good and otherwise... The good - it works wonders for the skin and hair, while the not-so-good thing I heard about coconut oil is that it has a peculiar smell.  I didn't know because I've not use it then.  So, what does experience tell me now?

The attracting factor
My first encounter with coconut oil came when I tried the Tanamera facial for the first time.  Part of the facial treatment involves facial massage using coconut oil.  Upon application, I immediately fell in love with the sweet scent of coconut oil.  I always associate its fragrance with the coconut candies that I used to encounter in my childhood (remember those brown candies in transparent wrappers?).

Good for....
Here's sharing a few things about coconut oil which I think worked as claimed.

Being a non-professional in cooking, I do not know why the oil is called "virgin", just like olive oil that comes with the "virgin" and "extra virgin" categories.

1. Make-up removal
Voila...  Since most make-ups are oil-based, coconut oil thus works effectively yet gently in removing make-ups.  Just dab a few drops of the oil onto the palm (or fingers if you prefer), massage onto the face in a circular motion, and wipe with cotton pads.  Then, wash your face with your regular cleanser.  You'll notice that your skin feels clean, yet fresh after that.

2. Pre-wash hair conditioner and hot oil
In order to use the coconut oil as pre-wash conditioner, simply apply the desired amount onto the strands of your hair (small amount should be sufficient in order not to cause excess greasiness), leave for 5 minutes and shampoo as usual.

Another use that's indicated on the label of Tanamera's coconut oil is as an alternative to hot oil, where you apply some oil to the hair after wash, leave for a few minutes, and rinse.

As I have naturally-oily scalp that warrants daily washing, I prefer to use the coconut oil at pre-wash rather than afterwards.

Having said the above i.e. the benefit of coconut oil for hair, it doesn't mean that I have the most perfect hair, although I have to admit that this coconut oil pre-conditioner helps tame my treases to some extent.  I'm currently battling with bad-hair days because my hair is occasionally frizzy and not straight by nature, and I have not done any sort of hairdo to rectify it since many months ago as I wasn't sure if chemical treatment goes well with pregnancy.

So if time permits now, I should really do something a.s.a.p. because to me, bad hair day = a compromised mood.   I'm not into super-straight hair because it doesn't suit me, but only desire something that looks neat and easy to manage. 

3. Massage oil
Tanamera spa uses coconut oil in many of its massage packages.

If I'm not mistaken, MCT Oil (MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglyceride) that's being used as one of the fortifications in breast milk for premature babies is made of coconut oil.  The smell is very familiar indeed.

Last but not least
If you like the scent of coconut oil, then this is a product worth consideration, bearing in mind the multiple uses and goodness of coconut oil.    :)

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