Friday, August 1, 2014

Ouch... again.

Speaking of allergy, for reasons unknown to me, I suddenly got into plenty of allergic reactions lately.  The best Malay proverb to describe the feeling now is "sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga".

Night cough please go away...
For more than 2 weeks, I was coughing like mad almost every dawn.  It's called post-nasal drip.  It results from allergic rhinitis.  Before I started coughing, I was sneezing quite badly.  But I knew it's not infection because apart from sneezing, my throat was perfectly fine (not sore, not red), there was no fever, and I felt okay when not coughing.

This reminds me of what took place back in 2007 when I was suffering from allergic rhinitis for about 2 months.  So bad, I even lost weight.  An episode of fever coupled with very tiny red rashes all over my arms, and my doctor ordered a full blood test, which confirmed that I was indeed suffering from an allergy.

I didn't, and still don't know exactly what I'm allergic to although I used to suspect it's cat's dander, dust mite, and perfumes. 

Fine, and I no longer suffered from anything as bad as that until very recently.  Since I'm no longer exposed to cats now, perhaps I may rule out cat's dander as an allergen.

Loratadine did quite a good job although not 100% perfect in alleviating my symptoms of allergic rhinitis, likewise dexchlorphenyramine although I don't quite fancy the slight drowsiness caused by the latter because that would mean missing on one milk expression session.  The ideal is of course not to go on any medication when breastfeeding.  But sometimes I just can't help not taking medication as long as they are generally safe (only very small amount passes into milk).

Later on, my doctor prescribed Clarinase (a combination of loratadine and pseudoephedrine), and budesonide spray.  The latter is steroidal, but after weighing the pros and cons, I have decided to use a little of the spray for a only few days. As for the use of Clarinase during breastfeeding, its pseudoephedrine content may reduce milk production a little, so I hardly take it for fear of losing milk like during Alvin's time.

Note: Fortunately, this occurred after I have donated my extra EBM, so my milk-children are not exposed.  Although these are safe for breastfeeding, I think most parents will be uncomfortable about it... so better not.

Complaint no. 2
Now that the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are beginning to disappear (fingers-crossed... touch wood), I am faced with a new sort of nuisance - urticaria!  Or simply known as hives.  Actually it's not all-new because I had slight hives during my sneezing and coughing days which I managed to suppress well due to the antihistamines I was consuming.  All-in-all, it's been on and off for more than 2 weeks by now.

 On my left hand

I remember complaining about hives once in this blog back in 2011.  Dishearteningly however, the hives now are much worse than that.

My complaint centers on two main reasons - looks and discomfort.

If I were to wear short sleeve and skirt, observant folks would have spotted the redness right away.  I'm not vain by fearing others seeing it, but I'm worried if people who do not know it think it's some sort of contagious skin disease and thus want to get away from me for fear of getting "infected".

The discomfort?  Needless to say, I spend a lot of time scratching despite knowing that scratching not only doesn't help, but is bad for the skin because I apply strong friction onto it.

Doctor after doctor...
Red spots above my lips.  Red spots around my throat.  And red-looking hives on my legs, still.

As it was public holiday for Aidilfitri, I could only see a doctor the next day to confirm what's on my throat.  I was worried about spots on the throat because other than a weird sensation when swallowing fluid, there wasn't any feeling of soreness.

I didn't visit the regular doctor whom I used to see because his clinic was closed for the week.  So I visited another doctor whose clinic is located in a neighboring block near my workplace in the morning.

Of course whenever I see different doctors (although I will try my best to avoid it) I will tell them my history... what happened earlier, when, what medication I took, etc.  

Then the doctor checked my throat and skin on my legs.  She told me it's a throat infection and that I need antibiotic.  She told me she'd prescribe amoxycillin, to which I replied 'ok'.  I've taken amoxycillin before and tolerated it well, no allergic reaction. 

Despite having consumed loratadine earlier, the itch didn't go away.  In fact, the swarm of hives only got larger and red.  And so I went to the doctor (again!) near my home in the evening.  My doctor-phobia Alvinvin would have screamed out loud doing that, and I happily went from doctor to doctor.  But of course I always reveal my full story each time I visit a doctor, be it the same doctor or another.

At the end of the troublesome punya consultation, I was give an additional prescription - levocetirizine.

So far I have only consumed levocetirizine once, this morning.  So far, I notice my itch had subsided very minimally, and the red patches are still there.

Allergy oh allergy.....   I have never really been comfortable so far.  If only i know what I'm allergic to, but I don't. 

I did not eat or use anything new. I was not on any medication prior to this.  The budesonide nasal spray may not be the culprit for I've used it before back in 2007.  Also, I'm not on any pill, injection or Implanon.  So what's the culprit?  Or is it due to any hormonal imbalance?

This year is by far the worst ~ in hospital for 2 months for bed rest, and now chronic allergic reaction, gosh!

Oh God, please let me complete at least 6 months of giving my baby exclusive BM this time (if not 1 year as I wish it to be).  I do not want Ken-ken to be allergy-stricken like me, although I could see a risk of him becoming the same as me, because I see he has sensitive skin around his face. 


  1. hi cassandra..did you have arabin pessary inserted during your pregnancy? how does it feels, do you experience any discomfort or cramping after the insertion? does it needs to be remove weekly or at certain periods for cleaning?.. fyi, i just done placing the arabin pessary at 20weeks gestational.. tq for your reply ;)

  2. Hi Hayati...
    Yes, I had the arabin inserted at 28 weeks. Its insertion, during as well as after, was pain-free. I also did not feel anything when it got dislodged (the arabin did not work for me... and thus an emergency cerclage was done). There's no need to remove the arabin for cleaning.

    cassandra :)

  3. tq and really appreciate your reply. :)

    oooo. you mean it came out itself? how long the arabin inside till it got dislogde? last pregnancy i did an emergency conventional cerclage at 24w and it went well until It removed at 34w and i gave birth at 39w..

    This time pregnancy, we decide to try this new method as it not involved any bius, etc.. it has been 2 days since im with this arabin and i did not feel anything at all except mild cramping just few hour after the insertion and moderate vaginal discharge..

    im hopping this arabin will went well for me ...

  4. You're most welcome. :)

    I was still in ward for observation after insertion.

    Slightly more than a day later, i experienced threatened preterm labour. Dr came, checked and told me that the arabin had dislodged from the cervix. but it remained in the V. I was surprised because i didn't feel anything... no discomfort, no cramping and no spotting until a "show" suddenly came. Prior to cerclage, i was tocolysed at the HDU.

    My cervical length was only 2.3 cm + internal os was slightly opened (membrane was visible...) when i had the cerclage (week 29). Thankfully, it worked in prolonging the pregnancy.

    I stayed in ward until cerclage was removed at 36 weeks ++. Routine - weekly Proluton injection (500 mg) and bed in Trendelenburg position until Week 35.

    Delivered on the day of removal ~ os was already 4 cm when cerclage was taken out, but contraction was absent. would be risky to return to the ward, and surely can't go home under such condition. In dilemma at first, so i opted for induction as suggested.

    In my case, dr told me that should there be any future pregnancy, i must have elective cerclage by 16 weeks each time.

    Good luck to you. take care and do try to rest well as much as possible.


  5. thank you so much for your detailed explanation ;)

    i have read about you past delivery, you must have be a strong person with such situation.

    I am also in cervical incompetence category but mine prior to cervical surgery 5 years ago due to abnormal pap smear result. So i will need a cerclage for each pregnancy. It all started in my 2nd child pregnancy and went through the same routine as you before..and luckily i end up with full term i'm back again with 3rd pregnancy.. ;)

    My cervix length in the 1st trimester was 2.5cm and now is 3.0cm as at 21weeks. Hoping this pregnancy also will sustain till full term like the last time..

    Thank you so for sharing your story in the blog. Its hardly to find someone who is gone through the same experience in here compared to overseas for my own reference..

    Thanks again and do keep writing ;)
